Secret life…Emmanuel Gatera Rudasingwa

Emmanuel Gatera Rudasingwa is the Director of Mulindi One Love Project, a local organization that supports people living with disabilities.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Emmanuel Gatera Rudasingwa is the Director of Mulindi One Love Project, a local organization that supports people living with disabilities.

The first thing you do in the morning
I plan for what I have to do basing on what I managed to do the previous day.

When are you happiest?
Whenever I realize that my project is creating positive change to the disabled

Greatest fear
I fear situations that may affect development.

Affectionate memory of your parents
The love and care they had for me

The most important thing life has taught you
I have learnt that when people work hard, they achieve their expectations

Greatest achievement
Starting a project that is helping the disabled through advocacy and job creation for them
Free time
I go for physical fitness exercises
Retirement plans
I am training others to take over my responsibilities so that I retire monitoring their operations