I hate people who…

…keep scaring us that the world is going to end. Sincerely there should be tougher laws against stupidity especially in the United States of America. Just the other day an 89 year old American preacher, Harold Camping, was telling us how the world was going to end on 21 May at 6pm.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

…keep scaring us that the world is going to end.

Sincerely there should be tougher laws against stupidity especially in the United States of America. Just the other day an 89 year old American preacher, Harold Camping, was telling us how the world was going to end on 21 May at 6pm.

Since when did God appoint the mzee to be a spokesperson? At his age it is easy to think of the world ending but he should not confuse some of us who are still very young. The bible says no one knows the day. So why is this guy wasting our time? As you can see it did not end and I continue to hate.

…insist on terrorising us psychologically.

The senile American pastor seems to be in the mood of psychological terrorism. After failing to see the world ending on 21 May, he recently announced that it will instead happen in the month of October.

What kind of weed does this guy smoke? Is he just trying to get into the record books for having fooled the world more than once? Why does he not concentrate on predicting his own death? Mr. Camping we are tired of your lame pronouncements.

Until you show us proof that you are God’s spokesman I think it is high time you kept your mouth shut. In Jesus’ name we pray.   

…believe simple lies like the world coming to an end.

Staying true to my principle of hating without fear or favour, allow me to hate all the small brained people who had believed that hogwash from Harold Camping that the world was ending last Saturday.

How do you even start believing such nonsense when you have a calendar that goes beyond May 21 in your house or office? Some fools were even excited that the world was actually going to end and so they would not have to pay me the money I lent them! How silly. Well I need my money and I need it now.

…who stake bets but refuse to pay when they lose.

I have always hated people who invest so much emotion in things they have no control over like the outcome of a Champions League final. The Manchester United – Barcelona game had many betting on who would win but the trouble always comes when one loses the bet and is unwilling to pay.

Why did you bet in the first place? Do you think Wayne Rooney or Messi are aware of how you had staked your little money on who will win the game? Why don’t you just invest that money in me so that I hate more? For now you leave betting to rich people like that guy called The Hater.

…give you work to do without paying you.

I am not talking about those bosses who employ and don’t pay. Today I just hate these people who enter a taxi carrying so many things and expect you to carry for them some of these things. I know I am kind and I can always help when I see a woman carrying a child and a bag. But then I thought I entered a taxi to go home, not a mobile gym where I have to carry your big bag for free.

Next time I think it would be better for you to move with another person who can help you to carry your bags or child. This business of expecting me to have the energy to carry your luggage even when I have not yet had anything to eat should stop immediately.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293