With the month of June approaching, it is a time of tension for students whether at university or school. Because   there are exams around the corner, either end of term exams or final ones.Some students   read regularly from the beginning of the academic session. While some   pick up books and notes just when the dates are declared.

Friday, May 27, 2011
You don't have to let the notes to pile up

With the month of June approaching, it is a time of tension for students whether at university or school. Because   there are exams around the corner, either end of term exams or final ones.

Some students   read regularly from the beginning of the academic session. While some   pick up books and notes just when the dates are declared.

In spite of this, sometimes the results are unexpected. A pupil reading regularly, staying up till late in the night,   may not score well, while another scores   very well, though he apparently spent less time in studying.

This differences in the performance of students is solely due to difference in the quality of study. Here by quality I mean the concentration and attention one gives to the subject while studying.

It is important not only to study, but also focus single-mindedly on the subject. A student who is sitting in company, talking with friends or family members   and has a   book open cannot concentrate well, unless he is a super genius. 

Majority of the living mortals are ordinary human beings who have to strive for success.

If somebody keeps a book open for hours together, but his mind is elsewhere, nothing is going to enter his brain and be retained.

Some students claim that by listening music while studying keeps their minds fresh. Thus while reading they keep their ears plugged hearing music.

In my experience majority have their minds distracted in this manner, which affects their performance. Though, exceptions may be there who can study with another activity.

Thus any student who does not focus single mindedly on his work does not score as per his true potential.

Sometimes   the distractions are deliberate. An individual knowing well, that he has to sit for an exam shortly,   may while his time away in frivolous things.

At times a student may be serious but his mind refuses to focus on studies   and he finds it difficult to concentrate. 

There are solutions to all these problems. Firstly it is important to avoid all non essential activities to save time for studies. After that one should prepare a time table, dividing the available   hours for reading different subjects.

When one picks up a book, he should make efforts to study with concentration and avoid the wandering of mind.

To achieve this one can do a simple exercise on a daily basis. If one counts mentally up to 100, both forward and backward, it helps to sharpen the mind and improve concentration.

Doing deep breathing for few minutes before starting the work also aids in making the mind more sharp and receptive.

Another strategy is to read aloud each and every word as if telling somebody else about the subject. But while doing so,  one should try to  focus his mind on the words while repeating them.

In ancient times, students were made to learn through  speaking loudly and repeating the text. The teacher would narrate the text.

Students would clarify their doubts and then repeat   it many times till they understood   the topic very well and memorized it thoroughly.

After memorizing the text, one can write it in his own words without looking at the book. If he does this, automatically the   subject will get registered in the mind.  On the next day, the moment he sees the questions put forth by the examiner; he will be able to visualize the text mentally.

Thus his performance is bound to improve.
 I would like to put, a word of caution here.

Along with focused study, it is also important for the student to   take adequate nutritious diet, rest and avoid addicting substances. Because, good physical health is also important   in   keeping  the mind fresh and alert.

Thus there is nothing to be worried about a forthcoming examination. Only thing needed is to improve the quality of study and put entire focus on the subject.