A taste of today’s elegant office

The way one designs and fits their office says a lot about them as an employer and a business.A well planned and equipped environment inspires staff, impresses clients and improves efficiency. An ill thought-out scheme does the complete reverse.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The way one designs and fits their office says a lot about them as an employer and a business.

A well planned and equipped environment inspires staff, impresses clients and improves efficiency. An ill thought-out scheme does the complete reverse.

So it’s important you get it right. Office Environments has an enviable track record in helping companies to make the most of their space – and their budgets!

Samuel Ireri, the operations Manager at Gisam Enterprise in Kimihurura denotes that for an office to be good and effective both human and physical environment should be appropriate

"There should be a reliable and hospitable customer care with relevant skills to make those visiting the office feel in place; the office should be clean and tidy too with organized facilities and equipments”

"This will only be achieved if there is a healthy relationship among the workers” he said  

It really doesn’t take much to make an office today.

Just clear some space, hook up a computer and phone, and—presto—you have your office.

That may make for a decent office—even a perfectly good one. But it won’t make it into a great office, one that’s as comfortable and productive as you can make it.
Here are six ideas to help you make your office great and improve your office environment.

Invest in your office.   
As mentioned above, it’s no great chore to piece together a workable office.

But, to make it a place where you can excel, you need to sink some money and thought into it. Invest in a chair that’s ergonomically correct and comfortable and a desk that’s big enough but not oversized.

Keep things lit.   
Naturally, your office shouldn’t be a dark, shrouded workspace where you can’t see your hand in front of your face, have lighting that keeps your office bright and functional.

Make it into an inspirational space.  
Every person who works in an office can occasionally become discouraged due to isolation, technology breakdowns, or simply a rash of unreturned phone calls.
Combat that by decorating your office with reminders of why you’re there in the first place—awards, certificates of achievement, and other upbeat mementos.

Make an office great with great work habits.
Making an office exceptional isn’t simply a matter of a great layout and all the latest technical gizmos. Think, too, about how you work within that space.

 Finally, set rules for others.
 Your beautiful, clean, up-to-date office, arranged in the most optimal fashion, is likely not the place for a Schnauzer gnawing on computer paper. So, one final element to a truly great office is a firm set of guidelines that delineate when you’re available and when access is verboten.

It is said that achievement is not always success while reputed failure often is.

It is honest endeavor, persistent effort to do the best possible under any and all circumstances pays. It is therefore imperative to work for a wonderful office environment.

"Nothing comes on a Silvery plate, we have to work for it, if you want your business to prosper well then do something about it” said Dushime Jacky a 27 -year –old office assistant at Nyarugenge.

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. Always give a hundred percent, and you’ll never have to second-guess yourself.
