MINIDUC, thanks for the new examination system

Dear editor, Through you the editor, allow me pass on my heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry of Education and the National Examination Centre for the new examination system.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Dear editor,

Through you the editor, allow me pass on my heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry of Education and the National Examination Centre for the new examination system.

I used to wonder the product from our teaching and examination system where one would pass because she or he is good at cram work. It is real hectic for those who are not used to that and makes no good future.

I must confess that a lot of developmental and academic materials have been missed out due to the old system.

I don’t care where it comes from, whether from Rwanda-phone, Franco-phone or where-phone, cram work is a bad system and no one has to expect good from it.

You will get the marks, yes. Teachers also want an easy way of marking, but you will remain an empty tin. You will not make any difference at the end of the day.

The product of the new system will call for a different manner of reading and going deep into what one has studied so as to understand. As if that is not enough, we even have the opportunity to give our contribution when the teacher is teaching about the previous topic.

I know it is amazing and you will like it, I used to love it and I wish you the best as you go into the world of understanding.
