KCC, continue with the crack down

Dear editor, I would like to add my voice to those of many people calling for the closure of poorly built houses in the city. Kigali City is taking the right step in the right direction.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to add my voice to those of many people calling for the closure of poorly built houses in the city. Kigali City is taking the right step in the right direction.

If there must be development somewhere, some people who don’t conform to standards have to be affected. It is unfortunate that churches are being abused today especially in the developing world.

Why should a church leader construct a poor church and expect the law to be soft on him just because he is a person of God? I don’t think that God would like people to pray to him in a house that can easily claim their lives. There have been cases of churches collapsing and killing scores of people in many neighbouring countries and this should be a good example for us. If church leaders continue with this kind of behavior, they risk loosing their reputation among their flock. People may be tempted to confirm rumours that churches are income generating enterprises like any other projects. In most cases, people attach a lot of respect to their church leaders that they even forget to question them on why they keep on praying in ramshacked places commonly known as ‘biweepe’.

Leaders lead by example, if they can’t protect our lives by respecting guidelines set by the city authorities then a long arm of the law should reach them.
