Editor, I read with interest the story that appeared in the yesterday’s issue of The New Times that France will not allow the wife of former President Juvenal Habyarimana, Agathe Kanziga asylum on French soil.Some of us who know and followed events before and after the 1994 genocide against the Tusti know that Mrs. Habyarimana was one of the main architects of the genocide.
I read with interest the story that appeared in the yesterday’s issue of The New Times that France will not allow the wife of former President Juvenal Habyarimana, Agathe Kanziga asylum on French soil.
Some of us who know and followed events before and after the 1994 genocide against the Tusti know that Mrs. Habyarimana was one of the main architects of the genocide.
This is known to everyone. What is more surprising is how she has managed to evade justice all this long and continues to live freely on French soil.
Her place is in the courtroom. She belongs where the likes of Theoneste Bagosora and Illdephonse Nizeyimana are. She is not just a fugitive but one that should be on the most wanted list by now.
France’s rejection of asylum is a sign of how prominent her role in the Genocide. Though it remains unclear what the next step will be, rejecting her asylum request is the only way to go.
I strongly believe that one day, she will have her day in court.
Aimable Munyakayanza
Lyon, France