Daddy’s Little Princess

In the town of Magic land, there lived a little girl named Miranda. She did not have a family.Miranda had been abandoned on the streets. She did not have friends. All the children in Magic Land did not want to play with her except Noella who was a princess.

Monday, May 23, 2011

In the town of Magic land, there lived a little girl named Miranda. She did not have a family.

Miranda had been abandoned on the streets. She did not have friends. All the children in Magic Land did not want to play with her except Noella who was a princess.

Princess Noella was from the Magic Land royal family. She was kind and loving.

Noella came from a wealthy family. She had all the nice toys and clothes one could possibly think of.
She loved Miranda so much. In fact she was Miranda’s role model. Miranda wished she could be a princess too.

Miranda’s clothes were always dirty and her hair unkempt. She cried and begged people walking by to give her something to eat.

"Please will you buy me a snack? I am so hungry. I will some day become daddy’s princess and share with you,” cried Miranda.
Everyone ignored her except Noella who shared with her snacks and gave her some of her clothes. Miranda had a particular spot where she sat along the street.Noella would check on her everyday and bring her something to eat.

One ugly morning, Noella’s parents decided to shift to another town.Noella was so sad because she did not know how she was going to break the news to her dear friend.

So she boldly walked to Miranda’s spot and told her about her family’s decision to shift. Miranda cried so hard and Noella said to her,"Don’t worry my friend; I shall live you some of my toys and pray for you everyday. One day, I will come back to visit you.”

From that day on, Miranda had a sad and pensive look on her face. She was hungry, angry and had no friend anymore. She prayed to Jesus every night to make her daddy’s princess.

One great evening, when the stars were shinning, a man dressed in white shinny clothes appeared to her. He told her to make a wish. Miranda was filled with joy.

She wished for a family. Miranda got a beautiful royal family with two sisters. Her daddy co incidentally called her "my little princess”. She then became a princess and lived happily ever after.