Know about cancer of the stomach

Cancer or malignancy of the stomach is a condition which causes much suffering to the affected individual resulting in a slow painful death.Statistics show a higher prevalence of malignancy of the stomach in China, Japan, Chile and Ireland, but it does exist in other parts of the world. It is seen more in men than women.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cancer or malignancy of the stomach is a condition which causes much suffering to the affected individual resulting in a slow painful death.

Statistics show a higher prevalence of malignancy of the stomach in China, Japan, Chile and Ireland, but it does exist in other parts of the world. It is seen more in men than women.

The feminizing hormone estrogen is said to protect women from gastric carcinoma.  Regarding age, it occurs more in the elderly people after 6th   or 7th decade of life.

Statistics become immaterial for the person who suffers, because he or she is the one affected.

Heredity and genetic factors do play a role in occurrence of gastric cancers because it is seen in the first degree relatives of those affected. People having blood group A are said to be more susceptible to develop gastric cancer.

 Long standing chronic gastritis is said to be a precursor of malignancy of the stomach. Heliobacter pylori infection of the stomach leads to gastritis as well as cancer of the stomach.

 Diet and life style factors also play an important role in its occurrence. A diet lacking in fiber, excess use of pepper in food, excess use of soft beverages, all these make one more prone to chronic gastritis as well as gastric cancer.

Similarly excess of salt in the food, ready to eat fast foods are also risk factors which predispose one to cancer of the stomach.  Consumption of smoked fish, processed meat products, pickles, e.t.c., increases the risk for developing cancer of the stomach.

Use of alcohol and tobacco are other risk factors for developing cancer of the stomach.

 Pernicious anemia and  gastric polyps  are conditions associated with gastric cancer. Those who have had part of their stomachs removed due to surgery for some other ailment are also more prone for gastric cancers.

As such the cancer can occur in any part of the stomach. It causes severe excruciating pain, which is aggravated by intake of food or even water. This markedly affects the general state of the individual making him very weak.

The general state is further compromised by loss of appetite and constipation.  One may have blood mixed vomiting or stools which frighten the patient and his family.

The malignancy may spread to esophagus causing difficulty in swallowing. It may spread to the bowels, leading to persistent constipation or diarrhea.

Via blood, the cancer may spread to the breast, backbone, e.t.c., distant parts aggravating the sickness.
When one suspects malignancy of the stomach, barium meal X-rays of the stomach and endoscopic visualization of the stomach are the tests which are done. Diagnosis of the condition is confirmed by means of a biopsy.

Treatment of cancer of the stomach in early stages is done by means of surgical resection of the stomach along with parts of the intestines if needed.

This removes the tumor but causes many other problems. As transit time for the food is reduced due to shortening of the length of the alimentary canal, one can get frequent diarrhea and bloating even after intake of small amount of food.

In advanced cases of malignancy of the stomach, treatment is done by chemotherapy or radiotherapy which is not curative.  Both treatment measures are associated with adverse effects. Ultimately nothing can be done for the affected individual except palliative care, i.e. good nutrition and good nursing care.

One cannot alter genetic factors but other factors causing gastric cancer can be very well modified to prevent this painful incurable malady.

One should avoid taking processed foods like pickles and processed meats. Intake of plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits is known to minimize the risk for developing gastric cancer.

Alcohol and smoking are as such hazardous for health, hence should be avoided. 

Gastric tumor is something which should be prevented by suitable dietary habits and quitting alcohol and smoking. Once it starts, the quality of life is definitely deranged.