Former Rutsiro leaders denied bail

KARONGI- Bwishyura lower instance court in Karongi District Friday dismissed bail applications from the two former Rutsiro personalities.Court, , presided by Domitilla Mukamwezi sent former Mayor, Jean Ndimubahire, and his deputy in charge of social affairs, Odette Mukantabana, back to jail for a tentative 30-day period as investigations continue. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Former Mayor of Rutsiro, Jean Ndimubahire and his attoney in court (photo S Nkurunziza)

KARONGI- Bwishyura lower instance court in Karongi District Friday dismissed bail applications from the two former Rutsiro personalities.

Court, , presided by Domitilla Mukamwezi sent former Mayor, Jean Ndimubahire, and his deputy in charge of social affairs, Odette Mukantabana, back to jail for a tentative 30-day period as investigations continue. 

Ndimubahire and Mukantabana, are jointly accused of fabricating rape charges against a police officer.

Gaspard Rwegeranya, the former District Police Intelligence Officer (IO) was accused of raping Mukantabana’s housemaid but was later acquitted after DNA results proved his innocence.

Rwegeranya said that he was framed because he unearthed a corruption scandal involving top district officials, including Ndimubahire.

Mukantabana’s lawyer pleaded in vain that his client be set free because she had no previous criminal record.

"Once released, it’s impossible to believe that you will not interfere with investigations or even escape because you know the gravity of the case,” Mukamwezi said before a fully packed courtroom.

Meanwhile, the former Mayor awaits the ruling of a separate graft case in which he has been under trial for allegedly conniving with another district official to swindle about Rwf 3 million in June 2007

It is said that Ndimubahire conspired with Jean Pierre Nsabimana, a former Executive Secretary of the National Youth Council to steal money and use forged documents to justify non-existent expenditures.
In previous hearings, Nsabimana insisted that his involvement in the alleged crimes was under the Mayor’s influence, a claim Ndimubahire vehemently denies.
