Jobseeker’s Diary

In the same week we learnt that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 25-year-old marriage had come to an end, Dominique Strauss Kahn, the now former IMF chief was arrested for allegedly attempting to rape a 32-year-old chamber maid. Schwarzenegger impregnated his housekeeper in his marital home, around the same time his wife was expecting their last child.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In the same week we learnt that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 25-year-old marriage had come to an end, Dominique Strauss Kahn, the now former IMF chief was arrested for allegedly attempting to rape a 32-year-old chamber maid.

Schwarzenegger impregnated his housekeeper in his marital home, around the same time his wife was expecting their last child.

John Edwards, a one-time Vice Presidential nominee who went on to become a Presidential candidate also had a child with his mistress, who started out as a videographer during his campaign. And there is Bill Clinton and his Lewinsky.

Same script, different cast, as the cliché goes.
Two questions come to mind every time I read about such stories. What tempts these "powerful” men and secondly, why don’t they learn from other people’s mistakes?

They have the world at their feet, they’re rich and are highly regarded and then just like that, something like this happens and all the respect we had for them evaporates. Mr Kahn has not yet been indicted and we shouldn’t condemn him until all the evidence is in.

Some people think it was a set up by those who want his IMF job while others swear it has to do with his presidential ambitions.

Still, there are claims that the girl is after his money. Honestly, I don’t buy any of that.

True, there have been a number of cases like this where it was later discovered that the so-called victim was only looking for a ticket out of poverty but I believe this is not one of them.

I’m a woman and perhaps I’m biased but I believe the girl’s account. She doesn’t strike me as the "sharp” type who would stop at nothing to secure their future.

I also feel that rape is not one of those things you just wake up and make up.

Married men sleeping with housemaids and bosses fathering children with the tea girls at the office is hardly breaking news. It only seems so when a high profile figure is involved.

We all mistakes but sometimes I wonder if some people think before they act. There are certain occasions when we should just use our common sense and where we fail to do that, at least be careful.

Here’s what I think. Married people should not have affairs, and no I’m most saying this out of naivety. I’m tired of all the excuses people give for cheating on their spouses.

There are so many sexy women and hot guys so if you’re going to be tempted each time you meet one of these, I’m really concerned for your health.

There are certain things you just have to make up your mind about.

Like you choose a certain car model or design for your dream home, choose one man or woman and stay committed to them. It’s called self-control and everyone can do it.

Now if you are one of those who claim to be powerless, I suggest you go about your indiscretions smartly.

Not that I condone this kind of behavior but I can’t understand how men who can afford every luxury money can buy get with cheap prostitutes who then run to the first tabloid that is willing to buy the sordid details of the affair.

And in Mr Khan’s case, why force a woman to have sex with you against her will?

You want to tell me that a man who was staying in a $3,000-a-night suite couldn’t afford to chatter a private plane for his wife to join him (assuming he was really lonely) or at the very least enlist those escort services?

Had he done that, he wouldn’t be locked up, and who knows, he could have become the next president of France.

To be continued…