Many people suffer from incapacitating backache due to what is commonly known as a ”slip  disc”. It is also a common cause for severe backache in young adults in whom the backbone is otherwise quite supple.The backbone or vertebral column supports the entire body structure and helps one in walking. It consists of various vertebral bodies joined together.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Many people suffer from incapacitating backache due to what is commonly known as a ”slip  disc”. It is also a common cause for severe backache in young adults in whom the backbone is otherwise quite supple.

The backbone or vertebral column supports the entire body structure and helps one in walking. It consists of various vertebral bodies joined together.

In case of a, ‘slip disc”, the inner soft part of   a vertebra bulges out through a weakness in the outer part of the disc. It is also called as, "intervertebral disc   herniation”.
As such herniation of the disc can occur in any part of the vertebral column. But the lumbar spine is most commonly affected. Having the maximum flexibility it is put to maximum strain by bending or twisting in any direction.

Lifting or pushing heavy objects is a very common cause for a slip disc. Sudden jerk to the spine as in bending or twisting, can also lead to a herniated intervertebral disc.

It can also be precipitated by severe coughing or sneezing in some individuals. Trauma to the backbone can also lead to this condition.

Apart from these causes, obesity is also known to induce a slip disc, maybe due to the greater weight imposed on the spine during movements. Degeneration of the backbone as which occurs with advancing age and osteoporosis can also lead to intervertebral disc prolapse.
Whatever maybe the underlying cause, onset of   a slip disc is always acute. One feels a sudden severe pain in the affected part. 

This pain is aggravated by bending or any movement and even coughing or sneezing.

The pain may radiate to surrounding area .Due to compression of the nerves, there may be tingling, numbness or abnormal sensations over the area affected.

In case of affection of the lumbo-sacral spine(lowest part of the backbone), the nerve fibers carrying sensation from urinary bladder may also be involved leading to urinary incontinence or retention.

Severity of symptoms depends on the extent of herniation. 
A , ‘slip disc’, has to be differentiated from muscle pull or soft tissue injury of the back bone. When the pain and other features are suggestive of a disc herniation, the condition can be confirmed by a C.T. or M.R.I. scan of the back bone.

The first step in treatment of a, "slip disc”, consists of absolute bed rest on a hard bed to give rest to the spine. Depending on the severity of symptoms, period of rest can be from 6 to 12 weeks.

After this, active movements are started gradually and range of movements is   increased gradually.

In case there is no neurological damage, traction is applied   to the   leg or pelvis   to help relieve the pain.

Pain-killer tablets or injections are used along with these measures to help the patient get rid of the pain. But once a person feels O.K. he or she should be careful to avoid a relapse of slip disc.

For prevention of relapse of a herniated intervertebral disc, one should avoid lifting heavy weights. If at all it is   necessary to lift something heavy, help can be sought from another individual. Bending from the spine should be totally avoided.

If somebody has cough or constipation, it should be treated   at the earliest to avoid putting strain on the backbone. It is desirable to use a hard and flat bed  for sleeping at all times.

This ensures that the backbone is in  proper alignment with the body and not subjected to undue strain. For the same purpose, it is useful to use thin mattress and a flat pillow. 

Elderly people need to be more careful in this regard as they are already prone for backache due to spondylosis. An obese person should try to reduce his weight to avoid relapse of a slip disc.

Simple exercises to strengthen the back are very beneficial to reduce the risk of a slip disc.