A day in the life… Flora Kayitesi

Flora Kayitesi is a Reporter as well as News Presenter at Radio Rwanda. She says normal working days keep her both in office and the field. Below is her typical working day;I wake up at 5:30a.m and tune in to BBC`s Focus on Africa as I also prepare to leave for work. Although it may depend on the day`s program, I must be at work before 8a.m. I attend the editorial meeting that determines the next step.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Flora Kayitesi is a Reporter as well as News Presenter at Radio Rwanda. She says normal working days keep her both in office and the field. Below is her typical working day;
I wake up at 5:30a.m and tune in to BBC`s Focus on Africa as I also prepare to leave for work.

Although it may depend on the day`s program, I must be at work before 8a.m. I attend the editorial meeting that determines the next step.

I may either go to the field or engage in other duties that include translating Kinyarwanda news to English, audio editing as well as voicing for the Swahili department.

Having lunch depends on where the time gets me. If I happen to be in office, I have it at 1p.m.

If I go to the field, I make efforts to get back on time, file the story so that I can prepare and air English news at 8p.m.

The news takes me about 45 minutes. I leave the workplace at 9 and head home unless it’s a Friday when I meet with friends.

When I get home, I am really tired that I only need to rest. I have dinner, read some novels or newspapers before I go to bed.

It’s a prayer that bids me sleep at around midnight.

Photo. G. Mugoya