Eatingout: Papyrus for class and quality

Along a cobbled street, just up the road from Cadillac are the welcoming lights of Kimuhura’s Papyrus. You can’t miss it. This bar and restaurant has recently reopened after a serious face lift. And it looks great!

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Papyrusu2019s bar is cool and sophisticated.

Along a cobbled street, just up the road from Cadillac are the welcoming lights of Kimuhura’s Papyrus. You can’t miss it. This bar and restaurant has recently reopened after a serious face lift. And it looks great!

About 5 kilometres from City centre, Papyrus is well worth the trek. The restaurant is consistently busy with those looking for good food or a relaxed drink; though things can get pretty heated up on Friday and Saturday nights!

A covered veranda makes up the restaurant’s dining room with a cool breeze and views over the city. The restaurant is very eye catching with candle lit tables. Inside is the trendy yet relaxed bar.

Leather seats and cushions and dim lighting make the bar a comfortable place to enjoy a drink. Both bar and restaurant, have a classy touch. Music can be loud so some prefer the rather quieter veranda.

The restaurant is decorated with African artefacts which are all for sale. The large wooden masks with wild hair give the restaurant a distinctly African feel. Menu is dominated by pizza and pasta.

Pizzas are good (though not as good as Sole Luna). If you opt for ravioli or gnocchi then the pasta is fresh and really very good. The chef’s salad while it may not look that exciting is a delicious plate of fresh food.

There is also a selection of grilled meat and fish. Mains range from about Frw3000-5000. While staff are accommodating and able to help in French, English or Kinyarwanda, service is not as quick as it could be.

Food takes about 30 minutes to arrive. However, if not in a hurry, this really is a nice place to spend some time. I am told that the room to the side of the bar is being transformed into a deli of sorts – it seems there is going to be even more reason to head over to Papyrus. Papyrus also offers delivery.

Manager’s comment:

"Our bar and restaurant is committed to offer good quality service. We sell art pieces to portray the pride of African culture.”
