Improved seeds to boost beans farming

Musanze- Farmers in Muko sector, Musanze District welcomed introduction  of new improved bean varieties said to be rich in iron.The new variety is  a project of an international organization, HarvestPlus which has been on trials in Mburabuturo village where the yields were high.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Musanze- Farmers in Muko sector, Musanze District welcomed introduction  of new improved bean varieties said to be rich in iron.
The new variety is  a project of an international organization, HarvestPlus which has been on trials in Mburabuturo village where the yields were high.

‘’We are overwhelmed by the results in growing of  new bean variety. We are now beginning with the delivery of the seeds to farmers and encouraging the buying and selling of seeds from this variety among farmers. The results will give value to our cause,’’ explained Howarth Bouis, Director for HarvestPlus.

HarvestPlus partnered in the research with the National Agriculture Research Institute – ISAR

under the umbrella of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture-CIAT.

Farmers, who planted the varieties in Muko sector, testify about their high yields.

"I received 10 kg of the new seeds, and harvested over 200kgs. Now I have the capacity to harvest over 600kgs. I send all my children to schools due to increased incomes.

We have even built a new house,’’ Marie Mukarugwiza, a farmer said.

Louis Butare, Head of beans program at ISAR, asked farmers to stop the traditional mixing of crops. "I advise farmers to grow a suitable but single crop  under the national program of land and crop consolidation.”
