District Cooperative Officers trained

At least 30 District Cooperative Officers began a five-day training aimed at equipping them with skills to manage cooperatives in their respective areas of operation.The training will cover cooperative management, auditing, governance, arbitration and financial management.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

At least 30 District Cooperative Officers began a five-day training aimed at equipping them with skills to manage cooperatives in their respective areas of operation.

The training will cover cooperative management, auditing, governance, arbitration and financial management.

Theogene Nkuranga, the Director of Training and Capacity building at Rwanda Cooperative Authority (RCA), expressed concern over mismanagement of cooperatives at the district level .

"There were a number of cases related to mismanagement of cooperatives; we therefore want to improve the DCOs’ skills in inspection and supervision of the cooperatives. We want to build their capacity so as to strengthen management,” said Nkuranga.

He added that after the training, RCA expected positive changes in cooperative management starting at the grassroots level.

One of the trainers Patrick Kanyoro, stated that he hopes to realise a significant impact in the management of cooperatives.

"We want to have DCOs’ who have a proper grasp of management practices so they can educate others in their districts. From our past experience, the trainings have improved management and brought about development and I am certain it will only get better,” Kanyoro said.

RCA is partnering with the Belgian Government through the Public Sector Capacity Development Secretariat to facilitate the training.

Vincent Sewabo, a trainee, said that he hopes to improve his entrepreneurial skills, exchange ideas and learn from his colleagues’ experiences.

"Through the training, I hope to better understand the law governing cooperatives in the country,” said Sewabo.
