This is what makes you cool

Many teenagers think that dressing like American gangsters, talking with slang, using foul language and walking like they’ve got spring in their feet makes them ‘cool’. But guess what? That makes you cold!If you want to be cool, don’t change yourself drastically just to be cool.

Monday, May 16, 2011
Avoid bad peer pressure.

Many teenagers think that dressing like American gangsters, talking with slang, using foul language and walking like they’ve got spring in their feet makes them ‘cool’. But guess what? That makes you cold!

 If you want to be cool, don’t change yourself drastically just to be cool. Stay true to yourself so people can like you for who you are. Being cool is simply a trait you have that will be seen by others, not a personality change.

 Self confidence is a good quality and if you care too much about what others think about you, you will never be cool, just annoying and not funny.

You have to believe in yourself so that when you go out there, people admire your confidence.

Care about your appearance and about your clothes. Do not dress in a inappropriate way that only gives people the impression that you are asking for attention. You don’t want to be nicknamed Nicky Minaj.

Take care of your hair, scent, body, skin, nails, and teeth. All these you can afford weather you are from a rich background or not. See your good qualities and work on improving your bad ones, and be proud of who you are.

Go out and make new friends, you can have close friends and even a best friend, but if you stick to one friend at all times, you’ll never meet anyone new.

If anyone suggests something to do, as long as it’s legal, healthy, and doesn’t go against your principles, don’t turn it down. Be known for someone who will support anything fun.

It is exciting and it makes you grow when you jump out of your comfort zone. But don’t do anything that feels uncomfortable for the sake of being cool!

This will guarantee that you have lots of fun all the time. But this does not mean that you should ignore quieter people or not be their friend; try to make friends with everyone. Just make sure that at least a few of them are fun for you to be with.

Work on your natural talents; this will make you feel confident and happy.

If you’re good at dancing, join a dance club and perform at talent shows. Laugh, play and act silly. This shows people that you’re confident and fun and people will want to get to know you.

 Even if it’s "uncool”.You need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Be the change you want to see in your life. However, do not say offensive or hurtful things to other people.

After all, if you don’t like you, how can other people? Be comfortable in your own skin, and make choices that will allow you to respect yourself.

Respect for yourself is ten times more important than others’ respect for you. You have to live with you, not anyone else.

Stay away from the rough kids; hang with the right crowd, if you hang out with guys who smoke, drink alcohol and are violent guys, that spells trouble!

Every day when you wake up, breathe deeply and imagine that you’re aspirating positivity.. Lastly, don’t change yourself too much! Be true to yourself. Embrace your unique personality!