Danish aid for disabled Rwandans

The Disabled People’s Organisation of Denmark (DPOD) is to help disabled Rwandans.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Disabled People’s Organisation of Denmark (DPOD) is to help disabled Rwandans.

In an interview last week, Bengt Kokhauge, DPOD representative, said the Danish organisation will help depending on the priorities of the Rwandans.

He said that once their needs or problems have been identified, a report will be presented to a consultant to determine how best they can help. A funding programme is to be launched with an operational time framework of four years.

Pierre Claver Rwaka, president of the Federation of Disabled Persons in Rwanda (FDPR), said that FDPR which is 10 years old, lacked human capacity, funds for income generating projects, and above all, a strategic plan.

Serestin Ndolis, assistant chairman of a disabled association in Nyagatare district, also said that they are badly in need of empowerment.

He also said that they would like DPOD to help in their efforts to advocate for the rights and laws protecting the disabled as per the UN convention. To this Kokhauge said that DPOD works within the boundaries of Rwandan law.

DPOD money will fund skills training, advocacy for laws and protection of the disabled and technical support.

"Aid is only for associations not individuals,” Kokhauge said.

Rwaka is optimistic this will be a huge boost to the development of the federation that could see its 53 members multiplying and expanding from 3 districts to whole country.