Rulindo residents seek better access to loans

RULINDO - Residents of Rulindo District are requesting the newly elected district leaders to prioritize advocating for loans to help them start-up businesses.Some of the residents, who spoke to The Sunday Times, said they would prefer accessing loans to any other development agenda, though the rest may also be important.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

RULINDO - Residents of Rulindo District are requesting the newly elected district leaders to prioritize advocating for loans to help them start-up businesses.

Some of the residents, who spoke to The Sunday Times, said they would prefer accessing loans to any other development agenda, though the rest may also be important. 

Jean Pierre Habimana, a farmer, said he wants the district officials to prioritize access to loans.

"If the officials can support us in getting capital to start better business, through cooperatives we would form them,” he said.

"If we can only get capital, it can motivate us to lead better lives. We request the new leadership to consider this, we would be very grateful,” said Evariste Habinshuti, a brick layer.

Odette Uwimana, a fruit seller, said she would be very happy this year if the local officials improve the infrastructure.

"We request the district to construct more markets for us,” she said. 

Rulindo District Mayor, Justus Kangwagye, said that in the next fiscal year there will be efforts to empower the private sector in order to boost the development in the district while creating more jobs for residents.

"We are looking forward to empowering Village Savinsg and Loans (VSL) where we will be sensitizing residents to embrace the culture of saving. We shall also advocate issuing of loans,” he said.

He added that the district authorities intend to improve infrastructure in order to catalyse economic development.

Rulindo District was, last year, awarded for being the most business friendly upcountry district in the country.
