This is amazing, what’s so new a bout a Hummer?

I am still wondering about the articles or stories written about Apostle Paul Gitwaza’s alleged Hummer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

 I am still wondering about the articles or stories written about Apostle Paul Gitwaza’s alleged Hummer.

I may first state my point of information that I don’t really know whether it’s true or not.

 My point is, what’s so new about one buying a Hummer yet we already have about five or six in the city if I am updated about the machines.

 One may wonder why after almost a year or plus hummers have been in Kigali that Apostle Gitwaza’s buying one could be news?

Though I don’t think it’s true, and if it was true what’s so new about it?

 Are the people with the new machines not Rwandans or not born the same way as he was?

 Or is it a question of being a pastor? Are there limits of what a servant of God should own or not?

In fact to my little knowledge of the Bible, it says that all belongs to God, so I think in fact people should instead write questioning why servants of God, the owner of everything not buying such expensive machines and other things because they serve a Boss who has everything.

To me this is the problem actually faced by Africans, an African sleeps hungry and then instead of waking up hunting for the next day, he/she wakes up hunting to know what the neighbour had for the last super, so that he/she can get gossip for the other neighbours.

 Meanwhile he continuous to die of hunger and distributing only rumours.

Why don’t we die to know how we can also buy the hummers instead of taking time to know why the other person had to buy one?

I wish to pray for my sisters and brothers who triggered off the story especially in the media, that mercy be upon them that the story may become true otherwise if it’s a baseless rumour, it may bring a curse instead of a blessing because telling lies on a servant of God or even any other person is sinful.

 May the Lord bless us with hard work to know how to buy Range Rovers than knowing why our colleagues have bought their young brothers’ ‘Hummers’?

Stay blessed and wish you a safe journey to Magerwa to see Apostle’s Hummer or to find out about the rumour somewhere. Kigali