FINA bank donates to Gisozi Genocide Memorial

GISOZI - FINA Bank, yesterday, donated Rwf 500,000 to Kigali Gisozi Genocide Memorial Centre.Employees of the institution had gone to pay respect to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.The money will be used to maintain archives of the centre.The bank’s Managing Director, Rao G.Balivada, said that it was their duty to always give back to society.

Saturday, May 14, 2011
FINA Bank Managing Director, Rao G.Balivad, handing over the dummy cheque to Kigali Gisozi Memorial Centre's Yves Kamurongi (Photo T.Kisambira).

GISOZI - FINA Bank, yesterday, donated Rwf 500,000 to Kigali Gisozi Genocide Memorial Centre.

Employees of the institution had gone to pay respect to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The money will be used to maintain archives of the centre.

The bank’s Managing Director, Rao G.Balivada, said that it was their duty to always give back to society.

"We are donating this amount to maintain the archives which we believe will help generations to come to see and read what happened in this country during the 1994 Genocide,” he said.

 Balivada added that during this time of commemoration, dignity to those who died should be recognized and it should be the responsibility of every Rwandan.

He called upon the perpetrators to ask for forgiveness while encouraging survivors to forgive because this was the only way to build unity and reconciliation.

The bank’s head of the treasury, Richard Ngabonziza, said that it was important for the institution to donate because many people were affected during the Genocide.

"We were all affected during the Genocide, so giving support in building the archives is something that will help our sons and daughters know really what happened during the 1994 Genocide,” he said.

FINA Bank has also adopted two orphans, Claudine Uwimana and Martin Baributsa, who are now studying at Mudende University.
