EAC about to complete draft protocol on good governance

MOSHI - Experts on legal and good governance issues from the five partner states of the East African Community (EAC met this week in Moshi, Tanzania and finalized the draft Protocol on Good Governance.The Protocol is one of the decisive tools that will enhance the integration of the bloc.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

MOSHI - Experts on legal and good governance issues from the five partner states of the East African Community (EAC met this week in Moshi, Tanzania and finalized the draft Protocol on Good Governance.

The Protocol is one of the decisive tools that will enhance the integration of the bloc.

While officially opening the meeting, , Beatrice Kiraso, EAC Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation, said that the protocol will strengthen the regional integration, with the ultimate goal of a political federation.

”Good governance is a cornerstone of our integration and regional prosperity. It guarantees internal security and stability through accountability,” Kiraso said.

She explained that "good governance does not just happen; it is built and nurtured through sustained efforts and must be willingly accepted by both the government and the governed”.
Kiraso advised that for the region to be free of conflicts, it should embrace and address issues of good governance "seriously” and attain the vision of a secure, peaceful and politically united East Africa.
She noted that the draft was very sensitive, but added that the region will apply the best practices to improve the living standards of its people and achieve the ultimate goal of a political federation.

Nestor Kayobera, who chaired the experts meeting, said that the protocol is important for effective and sustainable development of the region. Kayobera is an advisor in the Ministry of Justice in Burundi.

The final draft will be discussed at a multi-sectoral meeting of the Partner States’ Ministers responsible for Good Governance, Ethics and Integrity, Foreign Affairs, EAC, Justice and Constitutional Affairs, among others, scheduled for June in Zanzibar.

The Protocol will also include issues of economic and corporate governance.

The final draft will be presented to the EAC Council of Ministers in August for consideration before being presented to the EAC Heads of Summit scheduled for November this year.

The draft Protocol is in line with the fundamental principles stipulated in the EAC Treaty under Article 6 (d) which emphasizes good governance, including adherence to the rule of law, accountability, transparency, respect for human rights and equal opportunities.
