Voluntary repatriation paying off

Ever since the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs embarked on the process of sensitizing Rwandan refugees to return home voluntarily ahead of the expiry of refugee status of Rwandans living abroad, most of these who have returned, have expressed happiness to be back.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ever since the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs embarked on the process of sensitizing Rwandan refugees to return home voluntarily ahead of the expiry of refugee status of Rwandans living abroad, most of these who have returned, have expressed happiness to be back.

On May 6, several returnees had been received in Rusizi District and were visibly overwhelmed by the reception they were accorded.

This was in sharp contrast to the propaganda they had been exposed to by elements who wish to destabilize the country, and hold as many Rwandans hostage.

The returnees have been facilitated to reunite with their families, and are already benefiting from the many social programmes available in the country, that they could only dream of as refugees.

The government of Rwanda has consistently worked to end the longstanding Rwanda refugees’ phenomenon, with great success.

The underlying causes of refugee situations, no longer obtain in Rwanda.

There is no reason for anyone to leave Rwanda and claim refugee status.

On December 31, 2011, the Cessation Clause comes into effect and no Rwandan will be accorded refugee status anywhere.

It is imperative that the remaining Rwandans living abroad as refugees return home and regain their rights and obligations as citizens.

The opportunities at home are endless and there is everything to gain by returning.
