Does God really care about church dress code?

One bright Sunday morning, Rhorna decided to go to one of the local churches in her vicinity. She was a 23 year old University student then.She was clad in a black high waist skirt like three inches above the knees, a yellow spag top and multi- colored danglers and heavy make up. Her friends complimented that she was looking stunning. She then contentedly went to church.

Saturday, May 14, 2011
How you dress to church matters (Internet Photo)

One bright Sunday morning, Rhorna decided to go to one of the local churches in her vicinity. She was a 23 year old University student then.

She was clad in a black high waist skirt like three inches above the knees, a yellow spag top and multi- colored danglers and heavy make up. Her friends complimented that she was looking stunning. She then contentedly went to church.

The service went not so well for her. Her neighbours kept on staring at her like she had just dropped from Mars. It made her a little bit uncomfortable. Being the daring and bold girl she was, Rhorna ignored the odd looks she was getting from the church people.

 After the service, an old lady in the church rebuked her and told her that she should never dress up like that again for church. She told her that was night duty wear for the girls that parade themselves along the streets.

Unlike the audacious and brave Rhornas of this world, most people are so cautious when choosing what to wear for church. Majority will wear what they think is decent and would please their mamas. If it is still the case nowadays!!

 Some priests, pastors and different religious leaders may suggest what dress code is appropriate for church but does God really care about what one wears!!!!Scriptures about proper church dress code have been quoted and misquoted.

1 Sam. 16:7, "… for the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.
This is one of the commonly quoted scriptures and excuses whenever the dress code topic is brought up.

However, some Christians have argued that this scripture was meant for Samuel and was talking about his physical form and disposition. It had nothing to do with clothing if you dig deep into the scripture and read the events before and after.

According to Betty Uwase, 25 year old Pentecostal, being modest in your appearance is just as great a witness to those around you as your words. You allow people to see your inner faith rather than your outer appearance. Unlike women, men are easily taken up by sight and stumbled.

"Christians preach about purity and modesty to others yet they are the same people who wear revealing clothes. In my religion, we respect our bodies and dress decently to honor God,” says Hajjati Aisha Murekatete, 33 years, business woman.

Leony, a 23 year old student at Kigali Institute of Education (KIE )argues that dress code is no big deal. What’s in the heart is what matters to God.

One may go to church dressed ‘holy’ like a nun but when their heart is filthy. The person dressed ‘indecently’ might astonishingly have the meekest of hearts.

Pastor Emmanuel Ntayomba  of Healing Centre Church, Remera says that there is no particular dress code for church.

However, people should be accepted the way they are when they go to church, and with time when they learn the word of God, they will be able to discern what is proper and improper.

"Of course there are clothes that people wear to church that are really shameful.

What one wears, most times makes a statement of who they are and their reputation,” explains pastor Ntayomba.

"Attire is an essential part of our testimony. The way a person dresses is a clue of that person’s character and spiritual maturity.

One’s dress code should respect the Bible principles of modesty, non-conformed to the patterns of the world,” says Pastor John Mulenzi.

 He adds that here, we’re not talking about modest in your neighbour’s eyes, or even family’s but modest in God’s eyes.

Clothes should not expose areas of the body that normally draw attention from the opposite sex. This also can draw undue attention to you and may offend someone else.

Your overall appearance should not draw attention to you that would hinder another from focusing their attention to worshipping the Lord.

Consider; a man is responsible to guard his mind from impurity and a woman is responsible to help prevent the lustful stare.

Lust in inexcusable on the man’s part; but if a woman by her apparel or conduct has encouraged it, she also shares in the guilt.

A Christian should not attract undue attention to her.

Clothes should not be provocative or suggestive, should not expose large areas of the human anatomy nor have a conforming fit with suggestive intent.

The next time you are checking through your closet for what to wear to church, pause and ponder; why have I selected the particular outfit?

Will it offend anyone? Is it modest? It is not sinful to like and wear ‘nice’ clothes, but it is a sin to wear them with an intention of enticing others.