Fiction: This is what actually happened

Have you ever been in a situation where you are accused of a crime you didn’t commit but can’t defend yourself?When all the evidence indicates and pins you down, you were found on the crime scene, the first people at the scene shouting crucify him? You have no alibi, the truth is known by only you.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Have you ever been in a situation where you are accused of a crime you didn’t commit but can’t defend yourself?

When all the evidence indicates and pins you down, you were found on the crime scene, the first people at the scene shouting crucify him? You have no alibi, the truth is known by only you.

If you are unlucky to be in countries where mob justice is rampant, ‘I need my Lawyer’ would be of little use.

The moment you call for your attorney, the locals pronounce you Guilty! "If he’s not guilty why does he need a lawyer?” they would ask accusingly.

Just like the apostle Peter denied the Son of man. At this point even your tightest buddy would vanish through thin air or deny knowing you.

I recall back in the dog days, renting a small shack in one of the City’s humble suburbs, you know those cheap places where you share pit latrine, kitchen, bathroom, with half your village mates.

One fine Sunday, many moons ago, sitting on my portico reading a worn out Ebony magazine, Nadi  a  17 year old  belle of the hood and sister to my neighbour’s wife, asked me if  I had another  glossy Mag .

Being the good neighbour that am, I handed her the mag, and decided to go and lay down my head for some minutes.

Though it was late in the evening, the house was hot like a sauna, so I stripped to the johns and lay down.

I later learnt that as she was browsing the Mag, the kids kept disturbing her, so she decided to enter into my house, made herself comfortable in the sitting room and read from there.

I guess by then, I had drifted off to sleep for I didn’t hear her.

The kids followed her; she shooed them off  and pushed the door shut, finally they got bored and left, she got engrossed in the mag, after a couple of good minutes, as luck would have it, this is when Lorna,  my fiancé , decided to pay me a surprise visit.

The moment she stepped in the compound, the kids encircled her asking for sweets, as she was reaching into her handbag, they told  her how uncle ( yours truly) is in the house with aunt Nadine.

One of them went ahead and narrated how they were chased from the house and had the door slammed in their faces.

"I knew it! I felt it! Am going to kill the cheating bastard,” fiancé vowed!  Nadi’s big sister also chose this moment to return, she was the first to taste the wrath of my fiancée who had now turned into a vixen!

"You woman of little shame brought here your *&%$# (unprintable word) sister to take our men,” she accused.

A scuffle ensured, the innocent Nadi who didn’t have a clue on what was going on, opened the door and came out, by this time a small crowd had gathered around.

My fiancé, like a descendant of Jezebel, leaped at her full throttle aiming for the throat.

 Nadi’s sister also was thirsting for her blood; they all wanted a piece of her.

Hearing the fracas, I came out clad in only drawers, ready to do the rescue act for I thought my Neighbour’s house was on fire, only to see, the beautiful Nadi being torn to pieces.

I intervened, and saved her from more scratches and bites. To them I was perceived as a man who was defending his new catch.

The vexed women turned on me, my fiancée calling me a cheating bastard, the neighbour a blatant cheat.