business Perspective: A good manager is one with leadership skills

I need to hire a manager to run my new business when I am out of the country which occurs often, a friend confided in me on phone some few days ago.Well everybody can be a manager I told him, but you must get a person who is going to be a manager with leadership skills. Some managers are good but lack leadership skills which can also be the recipe for disaster in running a company.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I need to hire a manager to run my new business when I am out of the country which occurs often, a friend confided in me on phone some few days ago.

Well everybody can be a manager I told him, but you must get a person who is going to be a manager with leadership skills.

Some managers are good but lack leadership skills which can also be the recipe for disaster in running a company.
A manager with leadership skills in an organization has the ability to influence the actions and behaviour of other employees so that organizational goals can be achieved

Some of the qualities that have been used to describe these people include: goal-directed, positive, determined, loyal, results-oriented, empathetic and strong.
Leaders also are good communicators and skilled in interpersonal relations. An excellent manager taps into talents and resources in order to support and bring out the best in others.

An outstanding manager evokes possibility in others.
Also a manager with leadership skills is one who restrains from taking sides with employees in case of a problem between employees.

My mother was very happy the other day when she got a new boss.

The first thing that the new boss told the staff is that he does not like people who go to report their fellow staff. This I told my mother is that not only his new boss is a good manager- but an exceptional one with leadership skills.
This is because flexibility and versatility are valuable qualities in a manager. Beneath the flexibility and versatility is an ability to be both non-reactive and not attached to how things have to be.
Versatility implies openness - this openness allows the leader to quickly change on a dime when necessary. Flexibility and versatility are the pathways to speedy responsiveness.
Intuition is the capacity of knowing without the use of rational processes; it’s the cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

People with keen insight are often able to sense what others are feeling and thinking; consequently, they’re able to respond perfectly to another through their deeper understanding.
The stronger one’s intuition, the stronger manager one will be.

Employees value leaders who are human and who don’t hide behind their authority.

The best leaders are those who aren’t afraid to be themselves.

Managers who respect and connect with others on a human level inspire great loyalty, which in return motivates employee to even perform better at their jobs.

Managers with leadership skills see the big picture concurrent with managing the details of the organization that they are working for.

Small actions lead to the big picture; a manager with leadership skills is skilful at doing both: not only in thinking big on how to expand the company but also to bring in more profits while also paying attention to the details.