Police hold teacher over ex-wife’s murder

NYARUGURU - Police in Nyaruguru district, Southern Province, are holding a head teacher for allegedly murdering his former wife.

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Fatuma Ndangiza speaking to Rusenge sector residents during security meeting. (Photo / D. Ngabonziza)

NYARUGURU - Police in Nyaruguru district, Southern Province, are holding a head teacher for allegedly murdering his former wife.

Evariste Ngenzi, the headmaster of Rusenge primary School allegedly hired people to kill his former wife, Jacqueline Mukamanzi, 32, on the evening of February 17.

Inspector of Police Vincent Habimana of Nyaruguru district confirmed the arrest Thursday during a security meeting held at the scene where the late Mukamanzi was murdered.

Habimana said the body of the late Mukamanzi was found near her home and she had several deep cuts on her body. Jacqueline Mukamanzi was the Executive Secretary of Mariba Cell.

"We arrived at the scene after being informed by a local leader of her death,” he said adding that the number of arrested suspects had risen to eight including Ngenzi’s Sister.
According to residents in the area including Jacqueline’s mother, her death is attributed to Ngenzi’s family, who have been harassing Jacqueline’s family for many years.

The family of Ngenzi allegedly accused Jacqueline’s mother to witchcraft a complaint that residents refuted calling it baseless.

"We have been living in this area since 1961, and no one has ever accused me witchcraft,” said Mukamanzi’s mother, Petronila Kabanyana.

She explained that trouble began immediately after her daughter got married to Ngenzi, whose family was not comfortable with her, a reason hat led them to finally separate.

The Executive Secretary of the National Unity and reconciliation Commission, Fatuma Ndangiza who also attended the meeting blamed the neighbors of Jacqueline for exhibiting high level of negligence during the incident.

"It is very absurd, and I can see it in your eyes that you are ashamed. How can someone sound an alarm and you remain in your houses at an early hour like that?” she asked.

"You should always resist such crimes in your area and develop the spirit of patriotism. If this has happened to Jacqueline today, tomorrow it will be one of you,” she warned. 

Ndangiza donated one cow to late Jacqueline Mukamanzi’s family which will provide milk for the deceased’s two- year old orphan.