“When they sneeze, We catch the Cold”

Many times, I as a real Villager wonder as to why some people get much more than they or the children of their children will always need! Imagine a guy having a ten bedroomed house when another cannot afford even a single bedroomed one; or one having a fleet of several of the so called “four by far” or is it Jeeps!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Many times, I as a real Villager wonder as to why some people get much more than they or the children of their children will always need! Imagine a guy having a ten bedroomed house when another cannot afford even a single bedroomed one; or one having a fleet of several of the so called "four by far” or is it Jeeps!

Of course, one has to accept that,the rich worked very hard to get what they have and maybe, if the poor worked equally hard, they too could get rich! 

These days, we keep hearing that, prices of this or that are rising now and again because of the prices of fuel going high; that sounds quite obnoxious for my fellow villagers, how should that affect them if they never ever had cars or ever even dreamt of owning them!

At this very moment, the Rich Arab countries are having tons of social unrest; the effect is that, the poor Tropical African Countries are the ones suffering most. 

The prices of petrol are getting higher and higher, in turn, the prices of our common stuff (Beers) are responding in direct proportion with the same.  I am really perturbed by this whole scenario.

Let the prices of Tea or Coffee rise as much as they want, but why should those of Beers go up?  Of all reasons, do the Arabs have anything to do with our beers? I don’t think they drink them, do they?

Then, the woes in Libya should keep away from our daily drinks! 

Last weekend, despite people having been "paid”, there were very few having fun, reason being that, the real value of their salaries (how many bottles of beer one’s salary can buy) had drastically diminished such that, we barely quench our thirst unless a guy like Diaspoman comes along with his loaded "Godfather”, Aggrey, or the likes of Gafaranga, then the situation would remain gloomy! 

I have been suffering from a situation similar to malnutrition except that, this is called "malbeertrition” (the lack of Beers in one’s system). 

I am finding it very hard to work or think effectively because; my system lacks the nutrients that would have otherwise kept me so vibrant. 

I am not alone; I suppose my brother Diaspoman is having the same predicament! Last week, I went to see a doctor because I was constantly feeling weak, tired, lacking appetite and forgetful. 

After thoroughly examining my wretched body, the doctor announced that, I was perfectly sound save for the "bloody” disparity with my "hemoglobin” or something like that.

 On close scrutiny (after a blood or is it fluid test), he announced that, I had a rare scenario that was becoming common among my age mates, he began, "going by your height and age, your body mass index is fine but, there is something wrong with your fluid levels, there is too much blood in your Alcohol!” I almost fainted, my alcohol levels had drastically fallen!  "Doctor, what can I do?” I inquired. 

He suggested that, I increase my alcohol intake so that I can restore the normal levels or risk becoming a "vegetable”. 

I don’t know whether I can afford that because RAMA says that, the prescribed "medicine” is not on their list of allowed medicines! 

This is not any of our own fault, it all stems from the Arabs, When they sneeze, We catch the Cold!
