I hate people who…

…keep a lot of useless garbage in their homes. While some have said that this is some sort of ‘African’ habit, I still declare my hatred all the same. I really hate people who foolishly turn their homes into mini garbage stores by keeping junk. They insist on never throwing away anything with the hope that it will be useful someday.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

…keep a lot of useless garbage in their homes.
While some have said that this is some sort of ‘African’ habit, I still declare my hatred all the same. I really hate people who foolishly turn their homes into mini garbage stores by keeping junk.

They insist on never throwing away anything with the hope that it will be useful someday.

 I am trying to understand these weak arguments especially when you have an old shoe whose partner is nowhere to be seen. Some even still have VCRs and old video tapes of Rambo and Chuck Norris! Come on guys its 2011.

Clean up your house. It is not just that you have junk in your house, you are also junk yourself if you cannot tell what is useful and what needs to be thrown away. 

…unwrap gifts carefully so that they can reuse the wrapping paper.
Stupidity surely has levels and some people are so determined to keep stretching it. How else do you explain the way some jokers use the argument of saving to achieve foolishness?

I am talking about the misers who slowly unwrap their gifts with the intention of keeping the wrapping paper and using it again some other day.
Trust me if you start thinking like this then soon you will be attempting to carefully use toilet paper with plans of using it again. Some things are meant to be used just once and thrown away. Yeah, some goods once used should not be used again.

…buy their children oversized clothes and shoes.
There are also some people who are using the excuse of inflation to inflate their stupidity. I know some unserious parents who buy their children clothes and shoes that are two sizes big so that they can last longer.

What is this nonsense? Your little boy is no giant and he looks like a fool in those oversized clothes. He however remains innocent and it is actually you who looks mentally deficient. Get your child fitting clothes, please.

Otherwise he looks like some wanna-be astronaut walking on the streets of Kigali instead of the surface of the moon! Even the Bible says do to others what you would like to be done to you. 

…stare at me endlessly yet I do not know them.
Alright I do accept that I am quite famous because I have hated so many people already. But this does not mean you should stare at me as I walk down the street especially if you do not know me.
Don’t you just hate that guy who keeps a strong stare in your way yet you have never seen his sorry face? Listen dude, you are surely not my relative and by the look of things we never even went to the same schools.
I can tell because in my school they taught us that staring was bad manners. Having seen my face in the Sunday Times does not make you my friend. You are the people I hate not love.

…silently attend parties and later ask you if you whether you were there.
I honestly thought the world was now left with good people after Osama was killed and buried in the sea. And oh how wrong I was.

I have just discovered that there is no shortage of fools in this world.
There are these mean fellows who go to parties by themselves and later ask why you were not there yet they never bothered to inform you in the first place.
I have missed a number of parties because of these mean people and now I have a list of their names. I swear if you are on my list you will not even be invited to my funeral.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293