Residents without health insurance cards locked out of market

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU— Rubavu district has set end of March as the deadline for all residents to acquire health insurance cards, the district vice mayor in charge of social affairs said this week.

Friday, February 29, 2008


RUBAVU— Rubavu district has set end of March as the deadline for all residents to acquire health insurance cards, the district vice mayor in charge of social affairs said this week.

Addressing residents during the district health week that ended yesterday, Jacqueline Bakunduseruye said the district aims at having 100 percent of all residents in the health insurance—Mutuelle de santé.

During the District Health Week that started on February 25, all residents who had not acquired health insurance cards were denied access to the district’s main market.

"We thought of  this insurance week to increase the number of people in mutuelle de sante which was still very low at only 50 percent by the end of January this year. In spite of the concerted efforts by local leaders to sensitise residents, many were still reluctant to join the health insurance. We therefore, decided to dedicate this week to move down to the people,” she explained.

She said that during the week, local leaders moved down to public places such as shops, markets, car parks and churches to sensitise residents to buy health insurance cards at a cost of Frw1,000. She said  the district will tally the numbers of residents in RAMA for government workers, MMI, and Mutuelle de sante to ensure that all residents have health insurance.

Bakunduseruye stressed that health insurance was vital for people to access health services at very low cost.

"Good health is the core of everything. We need all our people to have access to good health care, stay healthy, which will make them productive to improve their living conditions and contribute to the country’s development,” she said.

Residents who talked to The New Times during the health insurance week, said that they understood and supported the district’s efforts in having all people get health insurance cards.

"We all know the importance of belonging to one of the health insurances and that is why I personally thank the district authorities for their efforts in sensitising the people. Most residents are capable of paying the required Frw1,000 for Mutuelle de santé, but at times you find them reluctant,” one resident said.
