Family is very important

People sometimes take their families for granted due to many different reasons such as; seeing your folks every day and you think that it’ll always be like that. Sometimes, you are even nicer to other people than you are towards your own siblings, some people are happy outside but when they get home their moods change for the worst.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Love is the backbone of the family.

People sometimes take their families for granted due to many different reasons such as; seeing your folks every day and you think that it’ll always be like that.

Sometimes, you are even nicer to other people than you are towards your own siblings, some people are happy outside but when they get home their moods change for the worst.

It seems like they don’t even want to be there, some people don’t have time for their family, never talk to them in serious matters, never listen to them and it’s more like they are there to fill the number count of their family members.

If only you could remember that there are others who would give anything to have at least one person to call a relative.

If only you could remember that they won’t be there forever maybe you would cherish them while you still have them. You can go out and screw up big time but you have a home to go to and they don’t judge you no matter what you’ve done.

When I think about this, it makes me thank God for my family. I love each and every person in my family and I wouldn’t change anything for the world.

They are the people who hold each other’s back at all times especially during hard times. There is no outsider who will ever understand you, love you, and take you as you are like you family does.

I pray for people who don’t have families and I know nothing can ever replace them but always remember God can change a lonely heart into an overwhelmed one by happiness.

People who don’t have anyone to sit with at the dinner table, and those who live in boarding schools because they would rather stay there during holidays than go home to suffer are kept in my prayers.