Teachers to get salary arrears

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI—Scores of teachers in Gicumbi district will soon get their salary arrears, the district director of education has said.

Friday, February 29, 2008


GICUMBI—Scores of teachers in Gicumbi district will soon get their salary arrears, the district director of education has said.

Julienne Uwamahoro, told The New Times this week that the district has made arrangements to pay both primary and secondary school teachers their total salary arrears.

"The district has set aside in its 2008 budget funds meant for teachers’ arrears because it is in line with the government policy of decentralization,” said Uwamahoro.

The revelation comes days after the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Narsis Musabeyezu implored the district, during celebrations to mark Education Day last week, to pay all teachers’ arrears.

Uwamahoro said the money was accumulated because some teachers started working before their files were full. Asked what amount would be paid, Uwamahoro said the amount is yet to be computed by the district finance department.

"Some teachers have three months’ salary arrears while others more than that,” she added.
