Its very discouraging, embarrassing and mind boggling when you meet someone in a public place and what meets your nose is only but a very repugnant odour that is so irritating.

Its very discouraging, embarrassing and mind boggling when you meet someone in a public place and what meets your nose is only but a very repugnant odour that is so irritating.
One wonders whether somebody is carrying a rotten body or something smelly.
Have you been to a taxi and you happen to sit next to a passenger whose smell is irritating? Needless to say that such people sometimes do not know what it means to have a bath.
It is like they are great enemies to water, soap and whatever goes with it.
Remember a time when you have been to church and rather than listen to the pastor’s sermon, you just look forward to a time when you will jump out of the church and flee from such the stench.
It really sends one wondering why most people are not responsible for anything-most of all their body care.
Even at social functions where so many people gather like during soccer matches in the stadium, instead of enjoying and having fun, you begin regretting why you ever sat next to the source of the smell.
It’s high time everybody became responsible of their body odour because your body smelly may end up being an inconvenience to others.
It makes one lose dignity worst when you are smartly dressed but under the smartness and most probably most expensive outfit an irritating odour gives an accompaniment.