Rice cooperative honoured for creating jobs

GATSIBO - COPROLIZ-Ntende, a rice cooperative operating in Gatsibo District, was Friday awarded by the Ministry of Labour for creating jobs for area residents.Since its inception in 2003, the rice cooperative has offered jobs to 3000 residents preparing terraces and cleaning swamps.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

GATSIBO - COPROLIZ-Ntende, a rice cooperative operating in Gatsibo District, was Friday awarded by the Ministry of Labour for creating jobs for area residents.

Since its inception in 2003, the rice cooperative has offered jobs to 3000 residents preparing terraces and cleaning swamps.

Handing the trophy, the District Executive Secretary, Silver Gatete, said that if every Sector could manage to have such a cooperative, rapid development would be attained.

"This cooperative is so exemplary that if every sector had one, the Millennium Development Goals would be attained very quickly,” he said.

James Karangwa, the head of the cooperative, welcomed the award explaining that the cooperative began growing rice on 75 hectares, but after support from the Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP), they increased the acreage to 575.

Viateur Kalinda, one of the members of the cooperative, commended the cooperative for raising the welfare of the local community.

COPROLIZ –Ntende operates in the sectors of Rugarama, Gitoki and Rwimbogo in Gatsibo District and Murundi Sector in Kayonza District.
