Rotary Club aids EFAK School

GASABO - The Rotary Club of Mont Jali, Kigali city rehabilitated the entrance of EFAK School in Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District.The renovation of the road that goes into the school cost $8000 and involved constructing a path surfaced with gravel, sand and cement.

Sunday, May 08, 2011
EFAK School pupils walk to school through the newly paved passage. (Photo J Mbanda)

GASABO - The Rotary Club of Mont Jali, Kigali city rehabilitated the entrance of EFAK School in Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District.

The renovation of the road that goes into the school cost $8000 and involved constructing a path surfaced with gravel, sand and cement.

Speaking at the ceremony yesterday, Odette Rwubuzizi the President of Mont Jali Rotary Club, said that the road was in poor state before they rehabilitated it.

"It posed a serious threat to the students, staff of the school and other people who use the school during the rainy season,” she added.

Rwubuzizi stated that renovating the road was part of their corporate social responsibility to support various community projects.

She mentioned that the repair was supported by Thomas and Piron Grand Lacs, a local construction company.

Fr. Collin Innocent Gatete, the Director of the school, hailed Rotary for the initiative, something he said was not easy for them to undertake.

"The path is used by over 2000 people daily and it was inaccessible during the rainy seasons,” he said.

Willy Ndizeye, the Mayor of Gasabo District, stated that it’s not the first time that Rotary Club has supported social activities.

"We appreciate their support and I promise to partner with them in any activity that promotes community development in Gasabo,” he said.
