Jobseeker’s Diary

What a Beautiful Wedding! Lyrics from a song whose artist I can’t remember but I at least know the song. May I add that, that particular line is also the only one I like because the rest of the song is a bit controversial.Back to weddings, you must know what this is about.Last Friday’s Royal wedding. Press reports say close to 2 billion people across the world watched “the” wedding of the century.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

What a Beautiful Wedding! Lyrics from a song whose artist I can’t remember but I at least know the song. May I add that, that particular line is also the only one I like because the rest of the song is a bit controversial.

Back to weddings, you must know what this is about. Last Friday’s Royal wedding. Press reports say close to 2 billion people across the world watched "the” wedding of the century.

There might be a little exaggeration there, as tends to happen with many events in Britain. The British Media sure knows how to hype things up.

That said, I love Britain and if I could trade nationalities, I would move there. Among the things that fascinate me the most is the British Monarchy, perhaps because I come from a tribe where the monarchy is alive and well.

My fascination with the British Royal Family goes a long way, and it is something I share with my mother.

I wouldn’t be lying if I said she was obsessed with Princess Diana. I’m in fact surprised she didn’t name me Diana after her.

We watched, and cried together as Diana was driven to her resting place, with thousands of Britons tossing bouquets as the casket was driven past.

Since then, my mother and I "gossip” about the royals and know everything from who’s dating who to who just squandered her divorce settlement.

You then understand why we were so excited about this wedding. For me, it had a lot to do with William, who I think is really thoughtful and romantic.

This future King of England actually asked his girlfriend’s father for her hand and proposed with his late mother’s engagement ring.

For Kate Middleton who waited eight long years, it surely was worth the wait.

I liked many things about their wedding, like Harry and William’s arrival at the Abbey. They looked so handsome though I think Harry, dressed in black, looked better than the groom.

Kate too didn’t disappoint, except for her hair which I think was a bit plain considering that this was and probably will be the biggest moment of her life.

The two kisses, what can I say? And then the ride the newlyweds took from Buckingham Palace to Clarence House, with William driving his new bride in that Aston Martin and waving to the waiting crowds periodically, absolutely beautiful.

I was still caught up in that magic when I heard that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. My first reaction was disbelief. One of those things that make you go, really? True he was the world’s most wanted man but after all the years he has evaded capture, it is hard to believe he’s really gone.

Not that I miss him but I have a feeling it would have been a more interesting story if he’d been taken alive or at least shot in the legs or something.

Then we would get to see him in court and see how he would defend his actions. I feel like the world, and most importantly those who have lost their loved ones to terrorist acts masterminded by the former Al-Qaeda leader, were indeed shortchanged.

Like almost everyone else, I’ve had moments of doubt as to whether the guy is really dead and I still think the White House should have released at least one picture.

To borrow the words of one blogger, the decision against releasing the photos is just going to give conspiracy theorists ammunition, not to mention the ever changing accounts of how the events of that Monday morning unfolded.

First, we were told Bin Laden resisted arrest and even fired at the commandos from his bedroom window. Now we’re hearing he was unarmed.

And to bury the guy at sea within hours? It’s just sounding more and more like a scene from 24, don’t you think?

To be continued...