business Perspective: Increasing productivity at work place

A friend wants to leave her job because she lacks the motivation to perform it to her best, thus feels that she is no longer productive. I can say that this young woman is a hard worker and has always been a performer in her line of duty.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

A friend wants to leave her job because she lacks the motivation to perform it to her best, thus feels that she is no longer productive. I can say that this young woman is a hard worker and has always been a performer in her line of duty.

But then what makes an employee unproductive? And what happens to the company when the employees become unproductive?

The answer is obvious, the company makes losses. Productivity is not only important to employee’s personal life, but it is also important to companies. Without it, revenue, expansion and profitability would not be possible.

Despite its significance, not all firms are aware that employees need motivation, effective communication, benefits and healthy environment to become productive.

Improving productivity not only means automating your old and traditional system and salary increases, but it goes beyond these things.

Did you know that emotions, physical capacity and stress affect productivity? Frustrated, stressed out and uncomfortable workers are less productive compared to comfortable, happy and physically conditioned employees?

Now this young woman complains that her boss sets for her unrealistic targets.

Bosses need to realize that if they cannot reach a certain target per month themselves, they should not expect miracles from their subordinates.

As much as companies realize their profits through such sales targets, only realistic targets can motivate an employee to work hard and feel appreciated for whatever efforts.

Every employer should create a comfortable and conducive working environment for their employees.

Enough space to enable them perform their duties is very crucial.

If a secretary has to type for over eight hours, then she definitely needs a comfortable seat and desk.

If the sales team has paperwork to do and later on write their reports, then definitely enough computers should be provided, other than having one machine to be used by many people, and many a times some people sit on the machine for long hours making it difficult for others to work.

Any employee will tell you that motivation is what keeps them going to work every day from eight to five. I

f employees are motivated by being provided for things like, lunch, transport, medical cover and even trainings, then they will have no reason to be unproductive, because all the things that they worry about the entire time are well taken care of.

Employees also need to be trained on how to use different machines at work place, so that they are in tabs in the world of technology.

Rewarding employees every once a year can be a boost to their morale, because they will feel appreciated and that their efforts have not been in vain.

Anything from cash bonuses, to shopping vouchers or even much better salary increment can be appreciated.

Last but not least it takes nothing to provide a free communication ground with the employees and listen to their pleas. Sometimes bosses fear to provide an ear to the employee thereby missing a chance to learn something from them.

Remember employees are the people on the ground who know how the company runs, and they are the same people if not well taken care of who can bring your company down.

With these tips a business owner can reduce unproductivity at work place to yield better results.