Kagubari went on leave, not on official mission

Dear Editor, I am writing to you to correct allegations made in issue N°  1425 of The New Times dated 28 February 2008 relating to Jean Pierre KAGUBARI’s fleeing the Country.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you to correct allegations made in issue N°  1425 of The New Times dated 28 February 2008 relating to Jean Pierre KAGUBARI’s fleeing the Country.

The true facts are the following:

KAGUBARI Jean Pierre was Director for External Relations and was granted his annual leave due as by right from 21/12/2007 to 04/01/2008.

However, as by 10/01/2008, he had not taken up his post as due on 05/01/2008; he was sent an explanatory request letter on 10/01/2008.

Indeed, pursuant to Articles 65, 66 and 67 of Law  N° 22/2002 on General Statutes for Rwanda Public Service, the Office of the Prime Minister sent a letter to the Ministry of Public Service and Labour, dated 18/01/2008 informing them that their employee KAGUBARI Jean Pierre had abandoned his post and seeking sanctions against him.

Therefore, he was not sent on any official mission by PRIMATURE. He went to Belgium, on his own will and PRIMATURE had no dealing in this as he was on his lawful fifteen day annual leave as granted by law.

Ryamugema Vincent

Director of Cabinet, Prime Minister’s Office