Health: Pneumonia

Rains bring coolness and greenery but also sickness for some people as the cold damp weather favors growth of germs.Pneumonia is one such disease which occurs more with cold weather. Before the advent of antibiotics, many people died in cold countries around Europe due to pneumonia.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Rains bring coolness and greenery but also sickness for some people as the cold damp weather favors growth of germs.

Pneumonia is one such disease which occurs more with cold weather. Before the advent of antibiotics, many people died in cold countries around Europe due to pneumonia.

Both genders and all ages are susceptible to develop pneumonia. In the third world, countries childhood pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death of children.

Technically speaking, "pneumonia” is the infection and   inflammation of the lung tissue or the airways.

It could be a, "Lobar pneumonia” where entire lung is involved or "bronchopneumonia” where a bronchus (air tube) and surrounding area may be affected. "Interstitial pneumonia” or, "pneumonitis” is patchy affection of lung tissue.

Pneumonia occurs due to droplet infection. Germs expelled from the mouth of the person harboring them are inhaled by a person opposite to him.

Development of the disease depends on dose of germs and resistance of individual. For example a person having less resistance would   develop the illness on very little exposure but a person with good resistance would develop mild illness after being exposed to the same amount of infecting organisms.

Smoking damages the protective inner lining of airways. As a result the individual is not only more prone to develop pneumonia but also the severe form.

Other lung diseases like asthma, chronic bronchitis, immune depressed states, alcoholism, are other conditions which increase susceptibility to develop pneumonia.

Elderly bed ridden persons are more prone to pneumonia because of reduced resistance and impaired ability to bring out expectoration.

Initially, there may be no symptoms or just malaise, mild cough and chest pain for one or two days. Then there is high fever. 

One has excess cough with mucopurulent sputum and even blood. The affected part is very painful. Very soon the patient gets distressed because of breathlessness.   The intensity of symptoms varies depending on the type of infecting organism and   their dose.

Bacterial pneumonias are usually more severe than others. Pneumonias can also be caused by viruses, fungus and mycobacteria. Chemical pneumonias occur due to aspiration of chemicals.  

Diagnosis of pneumonia is suspected on the basis of symptoms and clinical examination and confirmed by X- ray of the lungs.

Timely treatment is necessary, to avoid complications.  Infection of the brain is a complication of pneumonia, as germs can travel from lungs to brain via blood. 

This  can cause  paralysis  of limbs, convulsions, e.t.c.,with or without loss of consciousness.    Abscess can form in lung due to pneumonia. 

Coverings of the lungs can be inflamed leading to  collection of fluid in lung. In case of severe damage to the lung tissue, working efficiency of that lung is impaired.

This leads to difficulty in breathing   on mild exertion, even after recovery.  Severe untreated pneumonia can even kill a person.

Treatment consists of drugs to relieve the pain and fever and suitable anti infective agents.  Postural drainage is useful in case of copious secretions.

Drinking warm water and liquids, inhalation of steam are other measures which are simple to implement and provide immense relief to the sufferer.

A person not only suffers physically from such a sinister illness, but also economically in terms of loss of working days and expenses on tests and treatment.

A healthy and disciplined life style can do much to prevent pneumonias, by building up the resistance of an individual.

Avoiding or giving up smoking is beneficial in many ways including avoiding pneumonia. People whose work involves chronic exposure to dust should use protective masks to prevent inhalation of dust.

Houses should be kept aerated and exposed to sunlight.   Sunlight kills the germs naturally and good aeration prevents concentration of germs.

In case one does get pneumonia it is best to take treatment at the earliest symptoms.
