Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a young girl about to be married. I had a relationship before I got into this one only for me to realize a month later that I was expecting a baby of my former boyfriend.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a young girl about to be married. I had a relationship before I got into this one only for me to realize a month later that I was expecting a baby of my former boyfriend.

My wedding is only two months away and I am afraid to tell my fiancé that the baby I am expecting is not his because I managed to trick him into believing that the baby is his. What do I do?

Dear Lina,
A baby is not something you toss to anyone. We are talking about a human being here, not a doll or a piece of toy. Bringing forth a child unto this world is a very serious matter and lying to someone that you are expecting his child can be a serious offence if found not to be true.

Remember somebody can decide to come and claim what is rightfully theirs and then what will you do or say in given circumstances?

Things happen and you will not be the first girl nor the last one to be married to a man who is not the biological father of their child or children for that matter.

What you ought to have done was for you to tell this man right from the start that you were expecting your former boyfriend’s child, and it was up to him to make a decision to go on with the relationship or not. Doing what you have done is very wrong.

I don’t want to predict the reactions of your fiancé, but believe you me he will not take it kindly.

As to whether you should tell him or not is entirely up to you and your conscience. If I was in your position today I would immediately tell the truth to the fiancée and also inform the biological father of the child so that he knows the earliest about what is happening.

Do you know that if your husband to be refuses to wed you, you will not even be in a position to go and explain this saga to the father of your child that he is the true biological father of the baby?

He will most likely come to the defensive and ask as why you never informed him of the pregnancy when you found out about it, and come to the conclusion that the child is not his as well.

Gather enough courage and talk to your fiancé before it is too late.

You never know he might turn out to be a gentleman, who will forgive your childish thinking and go ahead to make you his bride.

Otherwise the ball is in your court- I wish you best, but whatever happens you should only blame yourself for keeping the baby’s true identity to yourself. Some secrets are better said than hidden.
