Data entrants need to behave courteously

Dear editor, Let me take this opportunity to express my feelings in regard to the way the national Identity Card programme was conducted.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Dear editor,

Let me take this opportunity to express my feelings in regard to the way the national Identity Card programme was conducted.

The word Information and Communication Technology has been sung enough in our beloved land of milk and honey, and we should not make it fail.

Through technology, this country can be raised from dust to sky high, but if it is not done right I will call this an abuse.

At first people registered or filled forms from where they were, and we were told that since it would be computerised, we would get our IDs from our areas.

The next thing we heard was that everyone will go back to the place of registration. Then I asked myself; aren’t these people failing IT?

Then, wonder of wonders, someone stands up straight and tells you that the computer skipped you! Of all things we know, can a computer skip someone?

I know that the way banks function, is the way this project is supposed to operate too; wherever you are, they have to just type in your name and it displays all your information.

It’s really absurd for the registrars to dupe citizens with such talk, and it seems the idea of employing a lot of data entrants is not helping, as I see many disappointments. Let the data entrants handle citizens courteously and tell them what to do in understandable language.
