Youth Club honours Genocide victims

KIGALI - Hope for the Future, a youth club in Kigali, yesterday, visited Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre, to pay tribute to over 300,000 Genocide victims buried at the Centre.Francis Bukuzagara, the club Coordinator, said the visit was aimed at having a common understanding among members about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Sunday, May 01, 2011
Hope for the Future youths being briefed before placing a wreath of flowers on the grave of the genocide victims yesterday (Photo T.Kisambira).

KIGALI - Hope for the Future, a youth club in Kigali, yesterday, visited Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre, to pay tribute to over 300,000 Genocide victims buried at the Centre.

Francis Bukuzagara, the club Coordinator, said the visit was aimed at having a common understanding among members about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

"Our visit will help us share the experience to effectively work together in achieving our objectives as a club,” Bukuzagara said after the visit.
He added, "This is our country and what ever happened, we have to unite and move on.”

Francine Batamuliza, one of the members, commended the establishment of Genocide memorial centres saying they help the young generation learn the country’s history.

"I am now aware of what happened to my country and it’s from that background that I think of how to contribute towards unity, reconciliation and fighting against Genocide ideology,” Batamuliza said.

She explained that the visit makes a big difference in one’s mind about Genocide.

 "After seeing all that happened, I am committed to avoiding and educating others against situations that lead to a similar tragedy,” she said.
Formed by students from various universities in 2008, the club aims at uniting youth and encouraging them to work together in order to have a bright future while contributing towards national development.
