Youth committees urged to play their role in development

GATSIBO-Youth in Gatsibo District have been urged to be part and parcel of the country’s rapid development.The call was made, Thursday, by the Executive Secretary of the National Youth Council, Alphonse Nkuranga, during a one-day youth forum that took place at the district headquarters.The forum was attended by the newly elected youth committees from the sector and district levels.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

GATSIBO-Youth in Gatsibo District have been urged to be part and parcel of the country’s rapid development.

The call was made, Thursday, by the Executive Secretary of the National Youth Council, Alphonse Nkuranga, during a one-day youth forum that took place at the district headquarters.

The forum was attended by the newly elected youth committees from the sector and district levels.

Nkuranga called on participants to pilot development in the district and work with other leaders to jointly meet their targets.

"You cannot attain all this without collaboration with other leaders. You should also tell the public what you do,” he said.

Speaking to reporters shortly after the training, Nkuranga said that the main purpose of the training was to sharpen the newly elected youth committees to know their duties and responsibilities.

The Vice Mayor in charge of finance and economic development, Isaie Habarurema, appealed to the youth to be agents of change and participate in government programmes such as phasing out grass-thatched houses and forming cooperatives.

"On top of forming cooperatives, you must also adopt the culture of saving,” he said.
