Fashion/Style: Know the colours that compliment your complexion

Although there’s no strict rule about what colours should be included in your wardrobe, it’s really important to know the colours that flatter and fit your skin and collocate your clothing properly.Some people look amazing with their dressing not because they buy expensive designer clothes. They look classy simply because they choose the right colour to go with their skin colours.

Saturday, April 30, 2011
know the colour that flatters your complexion

Although there’s no strict rule about what colours should be included in your wardrobe, it’s really important to know the colours that flatter and fit your skin and collocate your clothing properly.

 Some people look amazing with their dressing not because they buy expensive designer clothes. They look classy simply because they choose the right colour to go with their skin colours.

A lot of us could look amazing with the right choice of clothing colour. Here are some tips to help you choose the right clothing colours according to your skin colour.

If you are dark skinned, you should go for the light coloured clothing. Your dark skin makes a very good background. Those dark shades like deep brown, dark pink and pure black are certainly the-better-not options for the dark skinned people.

If you have to wear clothes in those colours, you should try to wear them in the least proportions as much as possible. If you must wear a black suit or dark blue, offset the darkness by wearing a bright shirt and a pocket square.
When it comes to socks, I cannot stress this enough, you must wear black socks if you have dark skin. Light colours stand out too much and brown socks clash with the skin. As for the watches, go for a silver, light gold or platinum banded watch.

A leather band will not stand out as well as a light metal watch. In addition, pick a very bright colour for your watch face.

 If you do sunglasses, wear reflective or coloured sunglasses. Black sunglasses blend in with your face and will not stand out. Reflective sunglasses will highlight your facial features and will complement your dark skin.

Light skinned people are advised to wear dark coloured clothing. The dark colours bring out a strong overall look to the light-skin, while the light coloured clothing just makes them look paler.

If you are light skinned and really love wearing light shades, you’d better mix them with some darker bottoms or tops. Say, you can wear white shirt/blouse with the dark brown or black pants.
In terms of the choices of colours, medium skinned people are luckier than the dark and the light, they could go for both the light shaded clothing and the dark shaded ones. But in terms of the best looking colours for the medium-skinned people, light brown, pink and blue colours are the first options.

In terms of the worst looking colours, red is the one they should avoid choosing.