Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a young woman who is fully independent. I have a good job with a stable income, but I have chosen to be single by choice. I am 30 years old and I don’t see the need to get married. Back when I was in college I had a heart break from a relationship and since then I decided I will spend the rest of my life alone.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a young woman who is fully independent. I have a good job with a stable income, but I have chosen to be single by choice. I am 30 years old and I don’t see the need to get married. Back when I was in college I had a heart break from a relationship and since then I decided I will spend the rest of my life alone.

My friends and family think that something is wrong with me. How do I tell them that I am okay with my life without the need to be in a relationship or to be married?Judy

Dear Judy,

Heart breaks are normal in the dating game, I assure you that you are not the first one to be hurt neither will you be the last person to have her heart broken. Just because one broke your heart does not mean that all the rest are the same.

You need to open up your mind and see that the first relationship was a mistake and that life needs to go on regardless of what happened back in college.

I know what it means to be a college student, very innocent and naïve, so when you meet the first man who has memorized Shakespeare’s words by Romeo to Juliet, then you feel that he is the right person for you.

Many a times we get disappointed because at this stage of life innocence rules and we really can’t tell between true love and infatuation, and when one of you realizes it is indeed infatuation, that is where one of you will get out of the relationship broken hearted.

But I urge you to take heart and be strong again. One fall is not enough for you to opt out of the dating game. You are still young, and good young men are out there waiting to meet a beautiful and intelligent girl like you.

We all learn through mistakes, dating in college when you were much younger was that one mistake that most of us pass through- but should not be your breaking point.

Spread your wings, dust your shoulders, keep your head high and walk tall as if nothing has happened, go out and make some friends-out of these friends you will meet one person who will love you and make you happy woman.

All the best!