Finances: Make Money Work for You

We spend our lives working to earn money. We go to school for the best of twenty years of our early life as a form of preparation to make money through employment mainly. So in essence we spend most of our lives preparing ourselves to work for money so that we can support those we love.

Friday, April 29, 2011
Bill Gates

We spend our lives working to earn money. We go to school for the best of twenty years of our early life as a form of preparation to make money through employment mainly. So in essence we spend most of our lives preparing ourselves to work for money so that we can support those we love.

But this is one of the warped suppositions that most people have come to believe. Yes, everybody must work for money, but we must not become enslaved to money. Money can be a very terrible enslaver.

It can make you do things that you would otherwise be incapable of doing. You can tell how greed for money drives people to do acts that they would otherwise view as despicable.

On the other hand we should try to make money our slave. Money has no values, morals or intelligence; instead it takes on values, morals or intelligence of whoever owns it.

Money flows down the river like water not up, because of the flow of gravity. This simply means that you can make money work for you.

For example if you are a salaried employee, your boss pays you money to make money for him/her. To you, that money sustains you but to him that money helps him to make more money.

The boss uses money as a toll while the employee views money as a means of survival. So, for you to have the same mentality towards money as your boss you don’t have to leave your job, instead you just have to borrow his way of thinking.

You have to understand that this means of survival will not be there forever, you have to find a way of surviving on that salary as well as using it as a tool.

The first excuse will be that of course, it is too little, but think about it. Who decides what you earn? The boss. And on which basis does he decide to pay you? He decides your salary based on the money value you give him.

If you make more money for him you become more valuable. If you earn more, don’t rush to buy a nice car and rent a more expensive house instead put that extra money somewhere where it can start working for you – a savings account or a passive investment?

Then you can go back to work knowing that you have a small financial cushion that relieves you of worrying about what you will eat tomorrow and the day after or what will befall you if you got relived of your job next month.

The importance of having money work for you is to have a peace of mind. Some people throw around the excuse that rich people are more worried about their money than poor people.

That is a lame excuse for lack of ambition. Everybody has got to think about something or worry about something everyday.

This is the business called life and as long as the world does not become a paradise, nothing is going to change any sooner.

Instead of worrying about your next month’s rent would you rather not worry about which country would make good business sense to visit next week? Instead of pitying yourself because you can’t pay your cousin’s school fees because he has been chased away from school, would you rather not worry about what fund you can create for less privileged members of your family to draw from to start their own viable businesses instead of dishing out cash hand outs every now and then?

To make money work for you does not require having prior possession of loads of money. It only requires a mini shift that can be ably assisted by keenly watching how those who seem to have financial stability go about their lives – their habits; their ways of doing things which is the best way to learn how they think and how they make decisions about their lives.
