Beauty: The Suitcase Craze

Being my own boss is the best thing that has ever happened in my working life. My work takes me to different countries and cities all the year round. In all the years that I have travelled, I have not seen a craze in suitcases like it is the norm now. Ladies have taken this piece of item a notch higher by incorporating it as a handbag.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Being my own boss is the best thing that has ever happened in my working life. My work takes me to different countries and cities all the year round.

In all the years that I have travelled, I have not seen a craze in suitcases like it is the norm now. Ladies have taken this piece of item a notch higher by incorporating it as a handbag.

At first I didn’t understand why I was seeing many ladies in every town I was visiting carrying suitcases everywhere they go until about three weeks ago.  

As I was up and about doing my business around the Kisementi area, I spotted a young lady dressed to the nines, but what usually catches my eyes are shoes and handbags. Now this lady made my heart skip a beat after I saw her carrying a suitcase.
This lady was carrying a Gucci replica suitcase which I also have, having bought mine at T2000 in town about a year ago.

I was very amused and decided to go near this lady just to make sure that she was actually carrying a suitcase as a handbag.

Truly she carried herself around as graciously as possible with her suitcase in hand which I thought looked strange.

Since i am not to be passed by the latest fashion and trends, I hit the road home and did some searches on the net on my laptop to make sure that what I saw at Kisementi was not a fashion faux pas.

What I saw made me laugh, how could I have been passed by this latest trend whereby women are carrying suitcases as handbags? Then everything fell into place when I saw the pictures of Kate Moss the cat walk queen in the hall of fame busy strutting her stuff in Paris, carrying her larger than life suitcase as a handbag.

For those who are still behind schedule, suitcases are now carried around as handbags, big time.

Designers like Gucci are now cashing in on such sales. In fact some designers have developed a new line of different sizes of suitcases, with a replica sizeable handbag.

For the fashionistas who will prefer to carry the suitcase so be it, and for the conservative ladies, they can still enjoy carrying their handbags but only this time having a close resemblance to that of a suitcase.

What I have come to like about this suitcase craze is the fact that when travelling one does not have to carry so many bags in tow.

Throw in everything in this one bag and it will be a multi-purpose. Identifications, personal items, clothing and everything else that one needs to carry can all fit in this one bag.

But then not every suitcase can be carried around, an original Gucci bag, a replica or any designer suitcase can do the trick.

Just in case you see me carrying my suitcase in town, is not because I am shifting or leaving town, but because it is now very hot in fashion trend to carry a suitcase in place of a handbag.