Bring Gatete home

Dear editor, I am writing to petition the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) office to transfer the case of Jean Baptiste Gatete to Rwanda for trial.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dear editor,

I am writing to petition the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) office to transfer the case of Jean Baptiste Gatete to Rwanda for trial.

It is rational that 1994 Genocide suspects be tried in their country where they allegedly committed the heinous crimes.

When Gatete is finally brought back, relatives of the deceased persons will be able to testify against the suspect without having the burden of traveling to Tanzania.

Fellow readers will agree with me that some witnesses in Gatete’s infamous case could be now very old and in poor health, so traveling to ICTR head office in Tanzania either by road or air would be impossible.

I believe other witnesses are scared because their security might not be fully guaranteed, as it would while at home.

I appeal to all Rwandans and their friends to support the office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) who has filed an application to transfer Gatete’s Genocide case to Rwanda.
