Workshops are the best training grounds

Dear editor, Allow me to pass my sincere appreciation to the ministries that have taken up the efforts to set up workshops to train their journalists. Bravo to the ministry of health for the trainings they set up to equip journalists with health-related issues. When I heard over Radio Salus that journalists were holding a health workshop for the betterment of the general public especially in the rural areas, I was amazed and delighted.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to pass my sincere appreciation to the ministries that have taken up the efforts to set up workshops to train their journalists. Bravo to the ministry of health for the trainings they set up to equip journalists with health-related issues. When I heard over Radio Salus that journalists were holding a health workshop for the betterment of the general public especially in the rural areas, I was amazed and delighted.

Workshops are informative, educative, lively and most of all, fun. All participants have described them as good hours of learning, dialogue, discussion and laughter, with the trainers gaining support and comfort from the fact that they are all going through the same kind of study.

I believe once the journalists disseminate all the information and ideas learnt during the workshops held, then all our country stands to benefit from this great development.
