Kudos to ICTR for banning Erlinder

Editor,I have been reading in foreign media outlets what Peter Erlinder says about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and his publications make me believe this so-called professor is insane and instead prefers to purposely stoke controversy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Peter Erlinder (File Photo)


I have been reading in foreign media outlets what Peter Erlinder says about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and his publications make me believe this so-called professor is insane and instead prefers to purposely stoke controversy.

Thus, the news that the appeals chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has banned the controversial attorney from appearing before the tribunal as a lead counsel over misconduct and disregarding tribunal orders is indeed timely news.

It is unfortunate that Erlinder, who should know better as a lawyer is the same person promoting Genocide denial, through his several publications.
The American attorney, who is also part of a network of genocide deniers, is taking Rwandans to the colonial era of using ethnicity to distract Rwandans and divide them along ethnic lines.

Rwandans have faced several challenges but managed to overcome them. I am certain Erlinder’s mission is a non-starter.

Justin Murekezi